"Kenzie Started 3 months ago and has a bigger vision for CHICKS than we do as a company."
- Erika Nardini, Barstool Sports CEO in a mass email to C-Suite
I took the initiative to propose a comprehensive rebranding concept for CHICKS, a move that would better align the brand with its content and objectives. The existing CHICKS branding lacked clarity and direction. With an audience that had an even gender split, I aimed to create a unisex brand while enhancing its female appeal. Recognizing Barstool Sports' primarily male audience, I crafted a new tagline that ensured inclusivity without alienating the core female demographic. The goal was to maintain the simplicity of Barstool's branding while creating a bold wordmark that could stand confidently alongside the existing Barstool logo.
Concept Development: Pioneered the rebranding concept for CHICKS, aligning it more effectively with the content and audience.
Unisex Appeal: Crafted a branding approach that was unisex while strengthening the brand's female voice.
Tagline Strategy: Developed a tagline that acknowledged Barstool's male-dominated audience but emphasized CHICKS' focus on serving female interests.
Design: Created a bold wordmark that maintained the simplicity of the Barstool brand, ensuring it could coexist harmoniously with the existing Barstool logo.
This project underscored my ability to take initiative and propose a rebranding strategy that addressed the brand's identity, its audience, and the broader context within Barstool Sports.

(Full disclosure: unfortunately the original links & files were broken when I thought to upload this to my portfolio. some of the graphics are not shown at full resolution)
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